The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him.
A Cyberthriller
The film centers on Tania, a Pakistani-born student, who learns that her brother has plans to become a suicide bomber. With just days before a terrorist mission takes place, she begins exploring virtual worlds using an avatar, in order to find him.
A Cyberthriller
Movie details Vlogger
Release :Genre : Thriller
Runtime : 63 minutes
Company :
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Video blog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine ...
A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine ...
Videoblog - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un videoblog , vlog o vilog (No confundir con Video Podcast) es una galera de clips de vdeos , ordenada cronolgicamente, publicados por uno o ms autores. El ...
Un videoblog , vlog o vilog (No confundir con Video Podcast) es una galera de clips de vdeos , ordenada cronolgicamente, publicados por uno o ms autores. El ...
Videoblog Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre
Histria [editar | editar cdigo-fonte] Videologger ou popularmente Vlogger, o termo utilizado para identificar produtores de vdeo pessoais para internet ...
Histria [editar | editar cdigo-fonte] Videologger ou popularmente Vlogger, o termo utilizado para identificar produtores de vdeo pessoais para internet ...
DeafVIDEO.TV | Vloggers
E-mail Help R-List TaylerInfomedia, DeafVIDEO.TV and its advertiser(s) do not endorse any of the videos which appear on this site. Any opinion expressed on this ...
E-mail Help R-List TaylerInfomedia, DeafVIDEO.TV and its advertiser(s) do not endorse any of the videos which appear on this site. Any opinion expressed on this ...
vlogbrothers - YouTube
You can still donate and get fantastic perks here: The P4A was AMAAAZIIIING but there's no way you can catch everything unless you are an android ...
You can still donate and get fantastic perks here: The P4A was AMAAAZIIIING but there's no way you can catch everything unless you are an android ...
MangoSirene - YouTube
Hey everyone! My name's Sirene. Mangos are delicious! I have a lot of opinions about things, like TV shows and cosplay. So I vlog about them. :D
Hey everyone! My name's Sirene. Mangos are delicious! I have a lot of opinions about things, like TV shows and cosplay. So I vlog about them. :D
Natalie Tran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Natalie Tyler Tran (born 24 July 1986) is an Australian vlogger, actress and writer from Sydney, Australia who uses the nickname communitychannel.
Natalie Tyler Tran (born 24 July 1986) is an Australian vlogger, actress and writer from Sydney, Australia who uses the nickname communitychannel.
Urban Dictionary: vlog
A video log. A journalistic video documentation on the web of a person's life, thoughts, opinions, and interests. A vlog can be topical and timeles...
A video log. A journalistic video documentation on the web of a person's life, thoughts, opinions, and interests. A vlog can be topical and timeles...
Franchesca Ramsey is an actress/comedian, graphic designer and video blogger based out of New York City.
Franchesca Ramsey is an actress/comedian, graphic designer and video blogger based out of New York City.
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