The film follows the adventures of Baron Munchausen, who is prompted to travel to the moon by his cousin Sirius, an astrologer convinced that it is inhabited by an ancient race called the Selenites. The Selentites incidentally possess the secret of immortality. The Baron takes up his cousin's offer and travels to the moon using a tall masted ship pulled by three hot air balloons and he is aided by his super-ability friends (who are from the prequel to this film, The Fabulous Adventures of the Legendary Baron Munchausen). When they reach the moon, they are initially placed in jeopardy as their craft lands in a crater and they fall into a subterranean sea inhabited by monsters...
Join Baron Munchausen and friends as they journey to the moon!
The film follows the adventures of Baron Munchausen, who is prompted to travel to the moon by his cousin Sirius, an astrologer convinced that it is inhabited by an ancient race called the Selenites. The Selentites incidentally possess the secret of immortality. The Baron takes up his cousin's offer and travels to the moon using a tall masted ship pulled by three hot air balloons and he is aided by his super-ability friends (who are from the prequel to this film, The Fabulous Adventures of the Legendary Baron Munchausen). When they reach the moon, they are initially placed in jeopardy as their craft lands in a crater and they fall into a subterranean sea inhabited by monsters...
Join Baron Munchausen and friends as they journey to the moon!
Movie details The Secret of the Selenites
Release : 1984-01-02Genre : Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Family
Runtime : 82 minutes
Company : films jean image, Films A2
Dominique Paturel | as | Baron Munchausen | |
Jacques Marin | as | Hercule | |
Pierre Destailles | as | Sirius l'astrologue | |
Georges Atlas | as | Ouragane | |
Philippe Castelli | as | Lundi | |
Jacques Ciron | as | Astuce / Lunus |
Search Result :
The First Men in the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The First Men in the Moon is a scientific romance published in 1901 by the English author H. G. Wells, who called it one of his "fantastic stories". The novel tells ...
The First Men in the Moon is a scientific romance published in 1901 by the English author H. G. Wells, who called it one of his "fantastic stories". The novel tells ...
Moon Madness (1984) - IMDb
Directed by Jean Image. With Dominique Paturel, Pierre Destailles, Serge Nadaud, Jacques Marin.
Directed by Jean Image. With Dominique Paturel, Pierre Destailles, Serge Nadaud, Jacques Marin.
Selenite, Satin Spar, White, Red, Peach Satin Spar Selenite
SELENITE HEALING CRYSTALS AND STONES. Selenite: A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize ...
SELENITE HEALING CRYSTALS AND STONES. Selenite: A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize ...
Le Secret des Slnites - Wikipdia
Le Secret des Slnites est un film d'animation de Jean Image ralis en 1982, sorti au cinma en 1984 et diffus pour la premire fois la tlvision en ...
Le Secret des Slnites est un film d'animation de Jean Image ralis en 1982, sorti au cinma en 1984 et diffus pour la premire fois la tlvision en ...
Cave of the Crystals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cave of the Crystals or Giant Crystal Cave is a cave connected to the Naica Mine 300 metres (980 ft) below the surface in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The main chamber ...
Cave of the Crystals or Giant Crystal Cave is a cave connected to the Naica Mine 300 metres (980 ft) below the surface in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The main chamber ...
SELENE : Greek goddess of the moon ; mythology ; pictures ...
SELENE was the Titan goddess of the moon. She was depicted as a woman either riding side saddle on a horse or in a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds.
SELENE was the Titan goddess of the moon. She was depicted as a woman either riding side saddle on a horse or in a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds.
Vitamins and Supplements - LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get ...
Improve your health, lifestyle, diet nutrition with Vitamins and Supplements news, facts, tips, other information. Educate yourself about Vitamins and Supplements ...
Improve your health, lifestyle, diet nutrition with Vitamins and Supplements news, facts, tips, other information. Educate yourself about Vitamins and Supplements ...
The Crystal Matrix Center - Glossary of Stones S-Z
Selenite Selenite, a form of gypsum, grows in striations of hydrous calcium sulfate. It is found as ice clear, fishtailed V's and phantomed. It is kindred to humans ...
Selenite Selenite, a form of gypsum, grows in striations of hydrous calcium sulfate. It is found as ice clear, fishtailed V's and phantomed. It is kindred to humans ...
La Slnite Pierre de haute valeur spirituelle
La Slnite confre clart desprit, favorise le dveloppement de lintuition et des pouvoirs tlpathiques. C'est un excellent Cristal pour la mditation ...
La Slnite confre clart desprit, favorise le dveloppement de lintuition et des pouvoirs tlpathiques. C'est un excellent Cristal pour la mditation ...
Patterns of Visual Math -Secret Inner Life of Mirrored Spheres ...
Reflective Spheres of Infinity: Wada Basin Fractals (In physical reality and digital visualization) Perhaps ...
Reflective Spheres of Infinity: Wada Basin Fractals (In physical reality and digital visualization) Perhaps ...
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