Stream Bcassine - Le Trsor Viking (2001) Online Streaming


Known and loved by generations of children, Pinchon's classic Bcassine is now a feature-length movie. A cross between Mary Poppins and Mr Bean, Bcassine is the nanny every child dreams of having ! Her mismatched green dress, white apron and red-and-white striped socks might look a little strange, but the gawky Bcassine is a truly lovable character. Her adventures begin when Bcassine arrives in Paris to take care of Charlotte, the daughter of one of her former charges. Bcassine and Charlotte get caught up in a fanatic and comical adventure filled with song and dance. They race from Paris to Marseilles to Ibiza and Lapland trying to unravel the mystery of what happened to Charlotte's father, Edmond. What is he running from ? What secret is he trying to protect ? Will Charlotte's family escape the evil clutches of Gaspard, a so-called family friend ?

Bcassine - Le Trsor Viking 2001' online

download Bcassine - Le Trsor Viking 2001 online

Movie details Bcassine - Le Trsor Viking

Release : 2001-12-12
Genre : Animation, Fantasy, Family
Runtime : 85 minutes
Company : Ellipse Animation, Home Made Movies, Image Film


Muriel RobinasBcassine (voice)

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