In his movie debut, Shinchan (Shinnosuke) wins in a lottery where he gets a chance to visit the Buri Buri Kingdom, in the Buriburi Island, which was in the Indian Peninsula (However please make a note that this island is not there and it is only a fake one) below Sri Lanka. But the real motive was to get the Power from the buri buri Kingdom. In their religion, it is said that when there are two people who are like twins, they can get the wealth which is hidden in the Buri Buri Kingdom.The movie starts when one boy named Sunchan (Sunnokeshi) gets kidnapped by some Buri Buri men. This was in a Kingdom in the Middle East.
In his movie debut, Shinchan (Shinnosuke) wins in a lottery where he gets a chance to visit the Buri Buri Kingdom, in the Buriburi Island, which was in the Indian Peninsula (However please make a note that this island is not there and it is only a fake one) below Sri Lanka. But the real motive was to get the Power from the buri buri Kingdom. In their religion, it is said that when there are two people who are like twins, they can get the wealth which is hidden in the Buri Buri Kingdom.The movie starts when one boy named Sunchan (Sunnokeshi) gets kidnapped by some Buri Buri men. This was in a Kingdom in the Middle East.
Movie details Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom
Release : 1994-04-23Genre : Animation, Comedy
Runtime :
Company :
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Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom ...
Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom ( , Kureyon Shinchan: Buriburi koku no Hih?
Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom ( , Kureyon Shinchan: Buriburi koku no Hih?
Crayon Shin-chan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crayon Shin-chan (, Kureyon Shin-chan ?) (also known as Shin Chan in some countries), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by ...
Crayon Shin-chan (, Kureyon Shin-chan ?) (also known as Shin Chan in some countries), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by ...
Shinchan In The Treasures Of Buri Buri Kingdom In HINDI Full Movie
Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom ( , Kureyon Shinchan: Buriburi koku no Hih?
Crayon Shin-chan: The Secret Treasure of Buri Buri Kingdom ( , Kureyon Shinchan: Buriburi koku no Hih?
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All Hindi Cartoons Hindi Movies Series Episodes Anime Watch Online free Chota Bheem Doremon ShinChan KochiKame Ben10 Hagemru Tom And Jerry Watch Online
All Hindi Cartoons Hindi Movies Series Episodes Anime Watch Online free Chota Bheem Doremon ShinChan KochiKame Ben10 Hagemru Tom And Jerry Watch Online
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