The first Japanese feature-length animated film. It was directed by Mitsuyo Seo, who was ordered to make a propaganda film for the war by the Japanese Naval Ministry. Shochiku Moving Picture Laboratory shot the 74-minute film in 1944 and screened it on April 12, 1945. It is a sequel to Momotar no Umiwashi, a 37-minute film released in 1943 by the same director. It is black and white. The whole movie also depicts the Japanese "liberation of Asia", as proclaimed by the Government at the time. Seo tried to give dreams to children, as well as to instill the hope for peace, with hidden movie's hints of dreams and hopes, under the appearance of war propaganda.
The first Japanese feature-length animated film. It was directed by Mitsuyo Seo, who was ordered to make a propaganda film for the war by the Japanese Naval Ministry. Shochiku Moving Picture Laboratory shot the 74-minute film in 1944 and screened it on April 12, 1945. It is a sequel to Momotar no Umiwashi, a 37-minute film released in 1943 by the same director. It is black and white. The whole movie also depicts the Japanese "liberation of Asia", as proclaimed by the Government at the time. Seo tried to give dreams to children, as well as to instill the hope for peace, with hidden movie's hints of dreams and hopes, under the appearance of war propaganda.
Movie details Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors
Release : 1945-03-12Genre : Animation
Runtime : 74 minutes
Company :
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Momotar: Umi no Shinpei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Momotar: Umi no Shinpei ( ?, lit. Momotarou: God Warriors of the Sea or Momotaro, Sacred Sailors) is the first Japanese feature-length ...
Momotar: Umi no Shinpei ( ?, lit. Momotarou: God Warriors of the Sea or Momotaro, Sacred Sailors) is the first Japanese feature-length ...
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors - YouTube
First feature length animated film from Japan. Released in March 1945. Directed by Mitsuyo Seo.
First feature length animated film from Japan. Released in March 1945. Directed by Mitsuyo Seo.
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945) - IMDb
This animated film--Japan's first--was a propaganda piece made to show the Japanese public how the Japanese...
This animated film--Japan's first--was a propaganda piece made to show the Japanese public how the Japanese...
Momotar: Umi no shinpei (1945) - IMDb
Title: Momotar: Umi no shinpei (1945) 6.5 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. You must be a registered ...
Title: Momotar: Umi no shinpei (1945) 6.5 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. You must be a registered ...
Marketing Japan: Japan WWII Anime: Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors
All things about the media, marketing, business, Japan and other musings by Mike in Tokyo Rogers.
All things about the media, marketing, business, Japan and other musings by Mike in Tokyo Rogers.
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors Episodes - AniLinkz
momotaro's divine sea warriors, watch momotaro's divine sea warriors, momotaro's divine sea warriors series, momotaro's divine sea warriors episodes, momotaro's ...
momotaro's divine sea warriors, watch momotaro's divine sea warriors, momotaro's divine sea warriors series, momotaro's divine sea warriors episodes, momotaro's ...
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors Part 2 - AniLinkz
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors Part 2 is provided and hosted from a third-party video-sharing website like YouTube, Veoh, Megavideo, Myspace and other sites by which ...
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors Part 2 is provided and hosted from a third-party video-sharing website like YouTube, Veoh, Megavideo, Myspace and other sites by which ...
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945) - FilmAffinity
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors, Mitsuyo Seo, Animation. Rate movies / Make lists / Find recommended movies / Find out who are your movie soulmates worldwide
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors, Mitsuyo Seo, Animation. Rate movies / Make lists / Find recommended movies / Find out who are your movie soulmates worldwide
Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (anime/manga movie)
The very first Japanese animated film ever conceived. An army of Japanese animals must fend off against the British military in order to reclaim Asia.
The very first Japanese animated film ever conceived. An army of Japanese animals must fend off against the British military in order to reclaim Asia.
Movie - Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945)
Movie - Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945) Oh no, that show seems to be broken !
Movie - Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945) Oh no, that show seems to be broken !
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