Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
Set in a world of fantasy and adventure, Amon is a young warrior embarking on a quest to avenge the death of his mother. When the hunt leads him ultimately to the kingdom of Valhiss, Amon enlists in the ranks of the Emperor's army in order to gain an opportunity to exact his revenge. However, a chance encounter with the Princess Lichia, being held captive by the Emperor in an effort to ransom a map away from his main rival, King Darai-Sem, Amon must decide whether to follow his path of revenge or to help rescue the Princess in an effort to save a lost kingdom.
Movie details Amon Sga
Release : 1986-07-18Genre : Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Runtime : 80 minutes
Company : Tohokashinsha Film Company Ltd.
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Amon Saga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amon Saga (, Amon Sga ?) is an anime OVA released in 1986. The character and conceptual art was contributed by Yoshitaka Amano.
Amon Saga (, Amon Sga ?) is an anime OVA released in 1986. The character and conceptual art was contributed by Yoshitaka Amano.
Serie dello Shnen Jump - Wikipedia
Voce principale: Shnen Jump . Di seguito sono elencate tutte le serie apparse nella rivista Weekly Shnen Jump della Sheisha , a partire dalla sua fondazione nel ...
Voce principale: Shnen Jump . Di seguito sono elencate tutte le serie apparse nella rivista Weekly Shnen Jump della Sheisha , a partire dalla sua fondazione nel ...
List of series run in Weekly Shnen Jump - Wikipedia, the ...
This is a list of the series that have run in the Shueisha manga anthology book for boys, Weekly Shnen Jump. This list is organized by decade and year of each ...
This is a list of the series that have run in the Shueisha manga anthology book for boys, Weekly Shnen Jump. This list is organized by decade and year of each ...
Anexo:Lista de animes Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre
Segue-se uma lista de anims com os ttulos mais conhecidos, o nmero de captulos e os lugares fora do Japo onde est disponvel oficialmente. Na coluna ...
Segue-se uma lista de anims com os ttulos mais conhecidos, o nmero de captulos e os lugares fora do Japo onde est disponvel oficialmente. Na coluna ...
Liste des sries parues dans le Weekly Shnen Jump - Wikipdia
Cette page annexe liste l'ensemble des sries de manga tant ou ayant t prpublies dans le magazine hebdomadaire Weekly Shnen Jump de l'diteur Sheisha ...
Cette page annexe liste l'ensemble des sries de manga tant ou ayant t prpublies dans le magazine hebdomadaire Weekly Shnen Jump de l'diteur Sheisha ...
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Visu (uz 1765 mandtu vietm kandidjoo) deputtu kandidtu alfabtiskais saraksts: N. p. k. Nr. sarak st: Vrds,Uzvrds (11196) Dzimis: Partija/apvienba
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