Based on "Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun," which was newly written as a theater version, this animated film features a battle between the wizard Kukuruku and Unico. Kukuruku builds a castle using dolls transformed from men as building parts. The story revolves around the sorrow and terror of men who have been transfigured into dolls, and a girl named Cherry who wishes to recover the kindness in her brother, who is a student of Kukuruku. This work reminds us of the fact that "transformation" or "transfiguration" --- favorite themes of Tezuka Osamu --- involves not only material aspects, but also man's immaterial heart [Taken from AniDB]
Based on "Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun," which was newly written as a theater version, this animated film features a battle between the wizard Kukuruku and Unico. Kukuruku builds a castle using dolls transformed from men as building parts. The story revolves around the sorrow and terror of men who have been transfigured into dolls, and a girl named Cherry who wishes to recover the kindness in her brother, who is a student of Kukuruku. This work reminds us of the fact that "transformation" or "transfiguration" --- favorite themes of Tezuka Osamu --- involves not only material aspects, but also man's immaterial heart [Taken from AniDB]
Movie details Unico In The Island of Magic
Release : 1983-07-16Genre : Animation
Runtime :
Company :
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Unico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1979 Unico pilot film had never been released outside Japan at all until 2012 as an extra on the "Unico in the Island of Magic" DVD release.
The 1979 Unico pilot film had never been released outside Japan at all until 2012 as an extra on the "Unico in the Island of Magic" DVD release.
Unico in the Island of Magic - YouTube
Unico the unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. In this adventure, Unico finds himself with a new friend, a young girl named Cherry ...
Unico the unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. In this adventure, Unico finds himself with a new friend, a young girl named Cherry ...
Unico Island of Magic - Lord Kuruku - YouTube
Lord Kuruku being creepy. EDIT: Sept 2012. Hey guys! I'm happy to announce that you can lawfully buy the UNICO movie via discotek media now, and they're ...
Lord Kuruku being creepy. EDIT: Sept 2012. Hey guys! I'm happy to announce that you can lawfully buy the UNICO movie via discotek media now, and they're ...
Download Unico: To the Magic Island | Unico: Mahou no Shima e ...
Download high quality anime torrents ... Thank you very very much! Just watched with them and quality is very good) I think they should be added to the torrent!
Download high quality anime torrents ... Thank you very very much! Just watched with them and quality is very good) I think they should be added to the torrent!
The Fantastic Adventures of Unico (movie) - Anime News Network
Unico in the Island of Magic (movie) (sequel) Alternative title: ... Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there.
Unico in the Island of Magic (movie) (sequel) Alternative title: ... Unico is banished to the Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him there.
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Unico underwear for men and swimwear for men are sexy and stylish. Find bold Unico briefs, trunks, thongs, and men's swimwear.
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Unico underwear for men are sexy and stylish. Shop Unico underwear, Unico briefs, Unico thongs, Unico trunks, and more.
Unico - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Unico ( , Yuniko ?) es un manga y anime creado por Osamu Tezuka . Unico es una cra de unicornio con el cabello rojo , tiene el poder de conceder deseos y ...
Unico ( , Yuniko ?) es un manga y anime creado por Osamu Tezuka . Unico es una cra de unicornio con el cabello rojo , tiene el poder de conceder deseos y ...
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Santorini island: unique in the world (Thira) a shattered volcano with spectacular views and many romantic traditional lodgings, hotels, villas ...
Santorini island: unique in the world (Thira) a shattered volcano with spectacular views and many romantic traditional lodgings, hotels, villas ...
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