The third film finds Ataru transformed into a pink hippopotamus, which sends Lum chasing after the wicked magician responsible, with catastrophic results. With Lum gone, her friends decide that there is no reason to remain, and so Tomobiki slowly returns to normal. The highlight of the film is a high speed chase scene with an angry Lum flying after the mysterious Ruu through the city at night and into a hall of mirrors (and illusion ). Ataru's true feelings for Lum are probably more obvious in this film than any of the others.
The third film finds Ataru transformed into a pink hippopotamus, which sends Lum chasing after the wicked magician responsible, with catastrophic results. With Lum gone, her friends decide that there is no reason to remain, and so Tomobiki slowly returns to normal. The highlight of the film is a high speed chase scene with an angry Lum flying after the mysterious Ruu through the city at night and into a hall of mirrors (and illusion ). Ataru's true feelings for Lum are probably more obvious in this film than any of the others.
Movie details Urusei Yatsura 3: Remember My Love
Release : 1985-09-04Genre :
Runtime :
Company :
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Urusei Yatsura Wikipedia
Urusei Yatsura (jap. ) ist eine Manga-Serie von Rumiko Takahashi und erschien in Japan 1978 bis 1987. Von 1981 bis 1986 wurden 195 Folgen des ...
Urusei Yatsura (jap. ) ist eine Manga-Serie von Rumiko Takahashi und erschien in Japan 1978 bis 1987. Von 1981 bis 1986 wurden 195 Folgen des ...
Urusei Yatsura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urusei Yatsura ( ?) is a comedic manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi and serialized in Weekly Shnen Sunday from 1978 to 1987.
Urusei Yatsura ( ?) is a comedic manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi and serialized in Weekly Shnen Sunday from 1978 to 1987.
Urusei Yatsura (film series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urusei Yatsura, a Japanese anime and manga series, has six movies and twelve OVA releases. During the television run of the series, four theatrical films were produced.
Urusei Yatsura, a Japanese anime and manga series, has six movies and twelve OVA releases. During the television run of the series, four theatrical films were produced.
Urusei Yatsura (TV) - Anime News Network
Plot Summary: Urusei Yatsura is the story of the unluckiest and most lecherous young man alive, Ataru Moroboshi. When aliens decide to invade Earth, Ataru is randomly ...
Plot Summary: Urusei Yatsura is the story of the unluckiest and most lecherous young man alive, Ataru Moroboshi. When aliens decide to invade Earth, Ataru is randomly ...
Urusei Yatsura
Urusei Yatsura (. ? , ) 1970 ...
Urusei Yatsura (. ? , ) 1970 ...
Urusei Yatsura - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Urusei Yatsura ( , '' Urusei Yatsura'' ?) , cuya traduccin exacta al espaol es Esos desagradables extraterrestres , es una serie de manga ...
Urusei Yatsura ( , '' Urusei Yatsura'' ?) , cuya traduccin exacta al espaol es Esos desagradables extraterrestres , es una serie de manga ...
Remember My Love - YouTube
Remember My Love
Remember My Love
Urusei Yatsura - - Organize, Discuss, Discover ...
Urusei Yatsura Information, Urusei Yatsura Reviews, Synonyms: Lamu; Lum; Those Obnoxious Aliens
Urusei Yatsura Information, Urusei Yatsura Reviews, Synonyms: Lamu; Lum; Those Obnoxious Aliens
Urusei Yatsura - Wikipdia
Urusei Yatsura (Urusei Yatsura) Type Shnen Genre Comdie Thmes dmon, extraterrestre Manga Auteur Rumiko Takahashi diteur Shogakukan ...
Urusei Yatsura (Urusei Yatsura) Type Shnen Genre Comdie Thmes dmon, extraterrestre Manga Auteur Rumiko Takahashi diteur Shogakukan ...
Lam - Wikipedia
Lam (, Urusei Yatsura?) un manga pubblicato in Giappone dal 1978 al 1987, scritto e disegnato da Rumiko Takahashi, dal quale sono stati nel ...
Lam (, Urusei Yatsura?) un manga pubblicato in Giappone dal 1978 al 1987, scritto e disegnato da Rumiko Takahashi, dal quale sono stati nel ...